Sunday, April 14, 2013

Melisa Update - Part 2: Here Comes Baby!

Friday, February 22nd, 2013.
6lbs. 14oz.
After a super easy labor (I swear it was),
and less than 45 minutes of pushing...
Henry Lynn Leventry.
I was super scared of giving birth, but it ended
up being such a great experiance.
We had 2 midwives with us, that helped so much.
(I am no hero, I had the epidural)...
I have the perfect baby, blah blah blah...
He is the cutest, blah blah blah...
Here are some photos...
Photo by Sarah.
Photo by Sarah.
Dad and Henry.
Photo by Sarah.
Photo By Sarah.
Photo By Sarah.
Aunt Danielle and Henry.
Photo By Sarah.
We did it! Yay!