Monday, April 15, 2013

Let's Play Catch Up

The lack of posting has been displayed by all of us. We're sorry! I thought we could play some catch up and I will share some photos of some things I have done. There isn't much. I don't lead the most exciting life, but we will see what Instagram photos make you think I do! Strap in, it's going to be a long ride.

Do you like Halloween? You do? GREAT! Let's begin there because I have been a neglectful mother to all of you.

This year we dressed up four times. Yes, four. This was our last party and my favorite costumes. If you guessed that he dressed up as Zombie Charlie Chaplin, you guessed right!
The week after Halloween was my birthday! I turned 24 and...feel exactly the same. The family went to dinner and then my friends threw me a party at the local bar. I also had a special surprise from my brother Patrick in my front yard!
This Thanksgiving the family stayed in Pittsburgh and my niece who lives in Los Angeles and her mom came to celebrate with us. It was also the first time my nieces met one another. Doesn't my dad look like a proud Poppy?
*Insert one single tear of emotion here*
Christmas was the same as always. We stay in Pittsburgh and enjoy Christmas Eve at a family friend's house and Christmas Day at my sister's for brunch and Santa gifts, and then dinner at my parent's house and more gifts! This year my sister and I bought our dad a Charlie Brown tree because it's his favorite.

New Year's Eve was fun, not very wild, but had the result that happens every year since I have been of legal age to drink. Balls to the walls with my side kick Jess (and Jack Daniels). This girl makes me laugh so hard I cry and is always there for me when I've hit my lowest point. I don't know what I'd do without her! Also, Chucky shaved for a movie he was in so it was great watching the locals who we have become friends with flip out. Its just facial hair guys, no need to have a fit.
There is an awesome record store in the city called Jerry's Records. It has so many different areas completely lined with records. If you are searching for a record I am pretty positive they have it. We were super overwhelmed and came out with a bag full of awesome! Also in random months where there isn't a holiday to explain, I baked these churro cupcakes for Melisa's baby shower. As you all know now, she is a mommy!! I was dying to find out what she was having, but she likes to tease us all. Danielle and I were on the same page.
In the middle of March Ads turned 4! I am not ok with her growing up. That goes for both of my nieces. She requested a bowling party and invited a few friends from school. It.was.precious. I also chopped my hair off and it is a different color. I feel like a fraud, I'm sorry I lied to you guys!

Easter came shortly after and we had do pretty much the same schedule as we do for Christmas morning. Don't be jealous of her pink fur just because you don't have one. Or a ghost dog. My sister is mother of the year already, so stop trying. Fancy shmancy waffles express! (Ps. she is having another baby in just a few weeks! I'm going to have a nephew!)
If my dad knew what a blog was and saw this I would be dead. Lucky for me he doesn't.
My older siblings, Rich and Kelly. So stinking cute.
To catch up to current day, I went to a fun show (selfies happen sometimes, if you say you don't do them, you are a big fat liar. You're not fat, you're beautiful that was harsh), participated in fun Throw Back Thursday's, and finally dug out my brother's record player and got that thing on display.

I hope these past few months, past holiday's, and anything else have been great for all of you! We hope you aren't too angry at us.

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