Sunday, April 14, 2013

Melisa Update - Part 1: Preggers!

I bet you thought we bailed on this blog, didn't you?
Well, don't worry... after some busy life stuff, we are back.
We have near future plans to re-vamp this blog and continue to
post on a more regular basis.
Don't leave us!
So, where have I been for the past like 10 months?
After 2 long years of trying, we found out we were finally
going to grow our family back in July.
After months of crying tears of disappointment every month
when i read a negative test, I was shocked to
find out it was finally positive.
We were having a baby!
Pregnancy wasn't so bad.
The first 15 weeks I puked my guts out.
It was terrible, but I was actually grateful because
to me it was a sign that everything was ok.
We chose not to find out the gender.
Danielle was not happy about the suspense,
but my husband and I loved it!
It made everything even that much more exciting for us!
I starting showing a bump very soon.
I grew...
and grew...
and grew...
and grew...
and grew...
and grew.
I didn't think my belly could stretch anymore,
which was good, because baby decided to come
3 weeks early!
I had nothing ready!
The room wasn't finished, my house wasn't ready,
no baby items were put together!
But that is what I get for trying to over plan everything!
10pm Thursday February 21st, our lives were
about to change...
Continued in Part 2: "Here Comes Baby"...

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