Monday, December 26, 2011

'Tis The Season

Christmas is the time of year to get together with family, exchange gifts, eat yummy food, and watch A Christmas Story Drinking, exasperation, raised voices, and more drinking also accompany the holiday's and that is a-okay. MERRY CHRIMBO!

On Christmas Eve we go to a close family friend's place for dinner, laughs, fun, and this year it was basically about my niece opening the gifts everyone got her. She made out like a bandit.

Pop and Gram bring homemade jelly for gifts!
"I'm not German, I'm Danish". Well, I think it was funny.
Christmas morning is spent at my sister's house for the little gal's gifts from Santa and brunch. My dad, brother in law Adam, Miss Ads, and I sat in the family room and the rest of the gang sat in the dining room. Why cram everyone into one tiny table when you can sit and watch A Christmas Story while you eat danish and "green eggs and ham" casserole?? I know how it sounds, but it is the best breakfast casserole to ever touch these rosebud lips. I might put the recipe up here, but then again I might want to keep it a secret :).

My sister's cute mantel.
Mom, Kelly, Pop Pop, Grandma
She loves her GREAT Pop Pop
Special Wizard of Oz tree

Later, at my parent's house, we had dinner and opened our presents. I got a super cool curling wand I can't wait to use! By the end of the meal I am so full that I just want to lay down and take a nap until next year (so technically a week *wink*), but when my mom and grandma make a pie you ALWAYS have room to eat at least a little piece.

1950's Angel
My brother spends Christmas with us too <3
Ads and her great grandma who she calls "Dutch"
It's Uncle Patrick!
She loves the gifts from her favorite sister ;)

Even though I have been sick for the entire holiday weekend, I still managed to be pleasant and spread that Christmas cheer like I Can't Believe It's Not Butter on a biscuit. The word we are looking for is "smoothly" after that sad attempt at an analogy. I hope you all had a pleasant holiday! What was your favorite gift from Santa this year?



  1. Looks lovely Andrea!! My favourite gift from Santa (read: Ash), was a tie between an ice cream maker attachment for my Kitchenaide and a COWBOY BOOT necklace that came in a cute little matchbox that said courage. It was pretty perfect all around :)

  2. That sounds great Jenn! A little birdie told me about the ice cream maker attachment :). I told him when I venture to Canada eventually I will be expecting some! And that box is perfect for you because you are one of the bravest gals I know! Love you and I am so glad you are healthy!
