Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Melisa and Danielle's Christmas.

Our Christmas was simple.
We have a small family.
Christmas Eve we got together to eat and exchange gifts.
This year was especially fun because my niece, Sadie Fay (Danielle's Daughter)
is a little over 2 years old and is starting to grasp the concept of 
Christmas and opening presents!
Christmas day we had breakfast and watched Sadie open her gifts from "Santa".

So we really just sat back and let her entertain us.
We were all very excited to spoil her (being the first grandbaby/niece in the family).

Sadie didn't just accept gifts, she worked hard making us all handmade gifts too...

She made paintings for everyone!
She even chose who got which painting.

I can't wait to hang mine up (I got the middle one).

Everyone should bug Danielle and tell her to do a "Meet Sadie Fay" blog!
She is so adorable, stylish, and just plain weird.

We hope you all enjoyed your holiday!
Have a great New Year!



  1. Thanks Rachael! I have been reading your blog for the last half hour! I can't stop! -melisa
