Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Day In The Life Of A Dog Groomer.

Last week I had the opportunity to visit my mom (and nana).
My mom has her own little dog grooming business a couple hours north of Pittsburgh.
A few years ago she decided to switch careers and went to school for pet grooming.
Shortly after she started her own business with a friend.
Her business quickly took off and it's easy to see why.
My mom LOVES her clients.
Our love of dogs (and animals in general) runs in the family (with the exception of Danielle haha).
Mom truly treats every dog like they are her own.
She babies them, calms them down, spoils them, and has lots and lots of patience!
Her assistant, Jamie, is learning to groom and is also so great with every dog.

This is front of the shop. The dogs get groomed on another side.
She has it all decorated for Christmas!

More photos of the cute vintage inspired decor.
She has photos of all of our family and friends dogs everywhere.

Meet some of the clients...

This is "Pepper". Pepper does not like to be groomed. 
He was a little biter. It's all part of the job.
How can you be mad at that cute face?

This little guy is "Einstein". He has a lot of personality.
He enjoys lifting his leg on anything that he can.
I suppose he had a lot to say because he barked the whole time he was there.
He was really funny and looked so handsome after his groom.

"Zoey" is a pretty little girl with a sassy attitude.
Jamie groomed her and dodged getting nipped the whole time.
Her bark is way worse than her bite.
We were friends by the time she left.

This is "Daisy". She has fabulous hair. She was so cute.
The looks on her face crack me up.
She did well during her whole groom.

Max (left) and I became fast friends. He insisted on sitting on my lap as much as possible.
"Blue" was a lot of fun. He just wanted to run around. and eat treats.
"Chloe" (bottom right) took some bribing, but finally came around to being my friend.
They were a little afraid of bath time, but by the end they were fine.

Don't they look so nice with their holiday scarves?

Another little helper...

And last but not least, I got to meet "Juggers".
He is a huge Bull Mastiff. I loved him, drool and all.

I really enjoyed hanging out at the shop and playing with dogs all day.
I don't know if I could do the hard work that a groomer often has to do.

My mom did give some tips for you to help your pet and groomer:
*For pets with longer fur, do your best to brush them regularly.
Once the fur starts to knot it can mat and twist the skin which is very painful.
*Keep your pets used to having their paws touched.
While they are relaxed, touch their paws a lot so they see it's ok.
It's not a bad idea to get them used to nail clipper as well.
*Sometimes the fur clippers can be loud and be scary to your pet.
Again, try getting them used to the noise so it is less scary when they are getting groomed.

I hope you enjoyed looking into the day in the life of a groomer!
Do any of you take your pets to a groomer?
Do they enjoy it?



  1. This post made my week. So many adorable pups! Blue is so handsome!

  2. I am Daisy's mommy and she is a wonderful dog that we love very much. Daisy loves to go see Lisa to be groomed because she is so loving and makes her look so beautiful.

  3. Aww, Thanks Maryellen... and thanks for reading Marsha! Daisy is too cute, I was happy to meet her :)

  4. A good groomer will put everything in writing; itemized services, prices, certifications, proof of vaccinations, observations of the animals behavior, etc. One of the best services that a groomer can provide is an informal inspection of the dog's health. If they noticed any odd sores, bumps, or odors they can recommend that you take your pet to a certified veterinarian. A professional groomer will include a letter detailing to your vet what they observed. Please visit my site for more details.

    Toronto Dog Groomer

  5. Dog grooming can be very expensive if you visit a pet grooming salon. However, you must not compromise your pet's hygiene and overall physiological and psychological health by ignoring its need to be well-groomed. Just like people, they also need some pampering and grooming every now and then so that they look and feel better.

    Dog Groomer
