Friday, December 16, 2011

Braided Apple Bread

Hi all, just wanted to share a fun little recipe with you! I've had a little bag of apple just hangin' out in my fridge waiting to be used; and what better way then to be made into an apple braid! This was my first time making bread like this so I was pretty proud of myself when it came out half decent.

3 to 4 medium sized apples
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon
2 teaspoons of lemon juice

Peel and slice the apples and mix with sugar, cinnamon, and lemon. Place in a baking pan and bake for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove from oven and put aside.

2 1/2 cups of flour
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of instant yeast
3/4 tablespoon of salt
2 1/4 teaspoons of vegetable oil
1 cup of warm water

While filling is baking mix, knead, and roll out dough into a 12x16 inch rectangle.
Cut each side into strips about 1 inch wide down both sides and then fill the center with the baked apple filling. Fold strips over and bake for 25-30 minutes.

Glaze topping:
2 cups of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of softened butter
3-4 tablespoons of milk
pinch of nutmeg

Enjoy! It's quite yummy.
