Monday, November 28, 2011

Childhood Crushes

Many of our first loves were not people we went to school with or sat next to on the school bus, but celebrities we never met! You know the ones. The teen heart throbs plastered all over Bop and Tiger Beat magazines. The boys you had daydreams about running into on the street, or them picking you out of a crowd making all of the other teeny boppers jealous. Real life goals here people. We put our boy crazy heads together and came up with our favorite untouchables from our days of training bras and braces.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Sweet mother of feathered hair. We would have all gladly accepted those flowers. I don't know about the other girls, but I was even excited about him being the voice of Young Simba in The Lion King. Even though he was my childhood doppelganger, I still loved him. Does that make me an extreme egomaniac?

Devon Sawa. Now and Then, Wild America (which also starred JTT, be still our delicate, adolescent hearts), Casper, even SLC Punk! You are probably very sweet and not a bit Sawa. Couldn't stop that one...

Andrew Keegan. He has the dreamiest, wavy hair in the entire world. He has popped up on shows like Boy Meets World, Full House, and Step by Step. He is probably most known for 10 Things I Hate About You, and Party of Five. Sigh, yep, Ah-Ooo-Gah!

Elijah Wood. This one is for Melisa. She really fancied ol' Frodo Baggins from way back!

New Kids on The Block. There isn't much I can say here. Danielle and Melisa are the experts on this one. They even met Donnie this year after the concert. Not a big's because they have the right stuff.

 Rider Strong and Will Friedle. Boy Meets World brought us not one, but two boys to crush over. Shawn Hunter may have been the first bad boy I swooned over, and the streak is still strong (why are they so easy today?). And Eric, when a crime breaks out we will definitely all shout, and call the good looking guy.

Bob Dylan. At a young age Sarah fell for Bob Dylan. If you know her at all, you know she still digs The Dyl! I can't say that I blame her, no one can.

Luke Perry and Jason Priestley. 90210 was a very attractive zip code. If you want to chat about BH90210 and gab about your favorite episodes, Danielle and Melisa are your girls. They had merchandise..dolls, pins, shirts, posters. Melisa just informed me that Dylan was for the girls who liked bad boys and Brandon was for the girls who liked good boys.

Leonardo DiCaprio. He still remains high on my list. Growing Pains was the first time I set eyes on this handsome devil and there is no looking back. What a stud!?! Everything he touches is great...all of it. Don't argue. I am actually having a hard time forming sentences with this one. There is something nothing wrong with that last thought.

Who were some of your childhood crushes? You know you still love them ;)



  1. Kurt Cameron.
    Mark-Paul Gosselaar.
    Mario Lopez. (then, now, forever...)

    ...and for a brief moment, Leonardo the TMNT. He was clearly the hottest of the Turtles.

  2. Those are great. M-PG has aged so well it's almost painful.


  3. I agree 99% with the whole list, but would replace Bob Dylan with Jakob. I had that exact JTT poster on my wall, and was at a taping of the Howie Mandel Show where JTT was the guest. I thought that was going to be my wedding day.

    I would throw in my crush on Hanson for ever and ever. They get hotter every year. Also, Brad Pitt.

  4. Haha, good additions! I know Andrea wanted to include Hanson too! So jealous you got to be so close to JTT!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hanson definitely gets hotter every year. Taylor Hanson forever and ever.


  7. Bob Dylan can never be replaced... in my heart ;)

  8. Mine was Tom Hanks. I was a little odd.

  9. haha, that is so funny Shawna... it makes perfect sense.

  10. johnny depp! and david bowie (though this one is probably specific to me as a young crush!)

  11. ahhhh ahahah i was a new kids on the block fan too hahah ( also met few of them:D) .....
    ahhhh and also Christian Slater:)

  12. Man, this list took me back! For me it was definitely Jonathan Taylor Thomas, anything he was in I would watch. But I also loved Devon Sawa & Leo. The first time I saw Devon was actually in the made for tv movie, "Night of the Twisters", (anyone remember that?) and that was it...I was obsessed lol. And I loved Leo in Growing Pains, but seeing him in Romeo & Juliet years later sealed the deal. Great list! :)

  13. Jodi: Johnny Depp forever. I would wear that shirt proudly.

    Messy girlfriend: I'll have a little Christian now and a little Christian Slater ;) definitely a yes.

    Krystal: I do remember that movie!!


  14. My messy girlfriend... i am dying to hear about who you met!

  15. @melisa... ahhhhh:) i met Joe and jordan few years ago in london(it was when they were doing solo stuff) and also "met"them all at a signing session.. (im gonna see if i can find the photos and email it to you:) ... Were you doing any penpalling/friendbooks stuff back in the days??

    @andrea.. hahah loved the joke:)


  16. Oh wow! Danielle will be so jealous that you met jordan! Would love to see photos! I think i tried pen pals but never followed through. I am pretty sure i wrote some fan mail! haha

  17. Excellent list. I would add Jonathan Brandis, Taylor Hanson, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt...when he still went by "Joey." Haha.
