Monday, November 28, 2011

On To The Next One... Holiday Season!

Hello All! Hope everyone had a beautiful Thanksgiving! I sure did! We went up to New York to spend the weekend with Jake's sister Jen and her husband, Tom, along with their precious baby girl. Mia is six months old and is without a doubt the cutest little girl in the world! It was so nice to spend a little time with her and her awesome parents. My new and beautiful family is definitely what I am most thankful for this year. Move to Pittsburgh guys!

Meet Mia!

Mia & Mommy <3

Mia with Jake's Dad :)

Dinner was incredible. Jen and her bff, Kimmy, outdid themselves this year. Everything was delicious!

Stuffing has always been my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner.

Mia's Thanksgiving feast! Turkey, gravy and cranberry baby cereal!

We didn't have the traditional pumpkin pie for dessert ...
but chocolate covered strawberries and cannolis did just fine!

On our way back home we picked up a Christmas tree! Decorating for Christmas has always been a favorite of mine, and I am always very eager to get it started.

Our perfectly crooked tree!

Mrs. and Mr. Snowman salt & pepper.

Maybe I could have waited another week or so but I just couldn't help myself!
Happy Holidays!


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