Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cash Cat Takes Over.

Hi people. My mum Melisa has been very busy working on her handmade goodies, so she asked me to write a little blog in the meantime. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is "Cash" (as in Johnny Cash... they thought it was clever because I am all black). I am very handsome.

This is me after a haircut.

I have 2 eyes, but I often keep one closed to keep people guessing.

I will be social if it means I might get a bite of something. I will eat anything. My favorites are PB&J sandwiches, cereal, pizza, and french fries.

I have been told that I have a face only a mother could love.

Anyway, I have picked out a few of my favorite cat items found on Etsy to share with you...

These things keep me busy for awhile. Buy it for me here.

These toys look pretty fun. Buy them for me here.

Now this is a bed! Luckily too small for my dumb dog brother.

Ok, now here are some things for cat ladies like my mum...

Some ornaments I would not destroy. Maybe.
She has been wanting this shirt for weeks. 
These postcards would be great to get in the mail.
This is classy.
Ok friends, I have some cat napping to do. It was nice meeting you all.
Enjoy these fine cat-inspired handmade things.




  1. My herd of kitties think that Cash has great taste. :) Thank you for featuring my ornaments!


  2. Cash, it's an honor that you chose my skeleton key necklace as one of your favorites. Thank you.

    Tell your mother to give you some tuna for being such a good boy. BTW, you're very handsome too.

  3. Great picks, Cash, and a great post!
    And never let anyone tell you that you are not handsome. We felines are superior, humans can't always handle that ;-)

  4. Cool pics, Cash! Love the key necklace! Those are some funky ornaments too :)

  5. Cash, you are one handsome devil even with a haircut!

    Love the items you've picked out for yourself and your mom.
