Saturday, May 19, 2012

Things I Like - Etsy & Pinterest

I can't stop "pinning" and "heart-ing"!

Here are some of my favorite recent Pinterest and Etsy finds...

I am super into lockets, I found and love everything!
Check it out here.

How cute are these hand carved button stamps by
Purchase them here. There are so many cute ones to choose from!

Gaudy vintage floral chair... I'll take it!
Find this and more vintage here.


Here is a cute quilt project I would love to try someday...
Check out the details here. While you are there, browse her blog.
it's amazing! I will be adding it to my favorites!

These for my backyard maybe?
I will probably never have the patience to do this myself, but
see how you can make them here.

This is pinned on my "fashion" board...
TOO CUTE! Go check out more of this pretty lady's
outfits here.

Have you found any good Etsy/Pinterest finds lately?

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


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