Friday, May 18, 2012

Home Made Ice Cream!

Last summer I found this little Donvier ice cream maker at a thrift store but never really got around to using it. Jake & I are moving at the end of the month & while packing I rediscover this little treasure...
Today is a toasty one, so it was perfect timing.

Ingredients for vanilla ice cream:
1/3 cup of cream
3 table spoons of milk
3 table spoons of sugar
1 egg
1/4 tea spoon of vanilla

I added a few strawberries!

The day before place the cylinder in the freezer overnight...

In a separate bowl mix together all ingredients. 

Pour ingredients into mixer & turn twice every 2 min. for 15 min...
& then you're done!

It was a little runny but delicious nun the less!

Now back to packing...
Have a beautiful weekend!


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