Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dancing Queen

This past Sunday was my littlest niece's first dance recital! Being the doting auntie that I am, I have to share some images with you. She is too cute and we couldn't be prouder!


She was the smallest little ballerina in her class, and the loudest singer. No, really, she shouts the house down when she sings and it's monotone. It doesn't take much to make it in the music world anymore, so get her a contract! Maybe she can do a collaboration with the Tupac hologram...?

On the other side of the country, my other niece graduated preschool! They are getting so big I can't stand it. And this one is bilingual. I just...can't.

Not only are my nieces way cooler than I am, they are smarter as well. Because that's fair....


P.s. Instagram is a terrific and fun thing is it not?? (Note: the photos above because I'm too cheap to buy a nice camera). If you have an account leave your username in the comments and we will check out your photo skills!

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Lovely Bride..

On Saturday I had the privilege of photographing Allan & Leeanne's wedding. They are an adorable couple & are surrounded by people who love them. I almost cried multiple times throughout the day, not because it was super hot and there were bugs everywhere, but because of the love these two people had for each other and those close to them. It was truly a beautiful thing to witness. 
I am in the process of editing & just wanted to share a couple photos of the happy bride. One of the things I love most about being a wedding photographer is getting to spend the day in the presence of a lady who is filled with joy. Leeanne, you looked lovely. 

Three weddings next month! Hope they are just as beautiful as this one <3


Friday, May 25, 2012

6 Years.

May 27th is my anniversary.
Six whole years of marriage!
So, I am sorry, but I have to do this one mushy post :)

I haven't introduced you to my hubby yet, but his name is Neal
(or "chippy" to some). He was my first and only boyfriend.
Of course I think he is the best :)

We got married outside in a park and prayed it didn't rain (it didn't)!
DIY weddings are super popular right now and there are
TONS of cool ideas. When I was wedding planning,
we did everything DIY because we were broke, haha.
Now I drool over all the awesome wedding ideas I find 
and wish I could go back and re-do it!

But, we were young and punk rock and we had a great
day which we got to celebrate with hundreds of our favorite people!

Here are some of my favorite photos 
(we could not afford a photographer so
some friends offered to take photos for us).

One of my closest friends/pastors walked me down the "aisle".


Oh yea, I wore a red and hot pink handmade dress.

My husband no longer looks like a vampire.

Ridiculously huge wedding party, I know.

My favorite photo of Chippy and his band buddies.

My "Maids of Honor" (sisters) looking siamese twin-ish.

The youngest groomsmen, AKA cutest little boy ever, Vinny.

Weddings are fun.
Marriage is hard.
Love is great.

6 years down, the rest of our lives to go.

Thanks to all of our family and friends who supported our
wedding and even more so our marriage.


P.S. Chippy, you are seriously the love of my life
and the best person in the whole world.

Monday, May 21, 2012

What I Wore - Polka Dots and Pink Tights.

The weather was lovely today, perfect for shorts.

Up until last year I would NEVER wear shorts. I was always
self conscience, not sure why? My legs are SUPER pale.

These days I don't care so much, I really enjoy wearing shorts and tights.

Here is some shots of my outfit.
(I couldn't get a good full length, so you have to piece me together, haha).

Old thin yellowish tee stolen from my husbands closet.
Blue and white polka dot cardigan from H&M.
Key necklaces and vintage brooches (of course).

I am addicted to necklaces and brooches.
I wore a floral cami under my tee.
It's from Aerie.

Jeans shorts.
Pink floral tights (Forever 21).
I will say these tights kind of make my legs look scarred.

And of course my favorite brown vintage ankle boots.

Here is my attempt at a full photo..
it makes my torso huge and my legs look miniature.

I feel like I may have mixed too many colors?
What do you think?

Have a great weeks friends!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Things I Like - Etsy & Pinterest

I can't stop "pinning" and "heart-ing"!

Here are some of my favorite recent Pinterest and Etsy finds...

I am super into lockets, I found and love everything!
Check it out here.

How cute are these hand carved button stamps by
Purchase them here. There are so many cute ones to choose from!

Gaudy vintage floral chair... I'll take it!
Find this and more vintage here.


Here is a cute quilt project I would love to try someday...
Check out the details here. While you are there, browse her blog.
it's amazing! I will be adding it to my favorites!

These for my backyard maybe?
I will probably never have the patience to do this myself, but
see how you can make them here.

This is pinned on my "fashion" board...
TOO CUTE! Go check out more of this pretty lady's
outfits here.

Have you found any good Etsy/Pinterest finds lately?

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Home Made Ice Cream!

Last summer I found this little Donvier ice cream maker at a thrift store but never really got around to using it. Jake & I are moving at the end of the month & while packing I rediscover this little treasure...
Today is a toasty one, so it was perfect timing.

Ingredients for vanilla ice cream:
1/3 cup of cream
3 table spoons of milk
3 table spoons of sugar
1 egg
1/4 tea spoon of vanilla

I added a few strawberries!

The day before place the cylinder in the freezer overnight...

In a separate bowl mix together all ingredients. 

Pour ingredients into mixer & turn twice every 2 min. for 15 min...
& then you're done!

It was a little runny but delicious nun the less!

Now back to packing...
Have a beautiful weekend!


Monday, May 14, 2012

April Showers..

This is my absolute favorite time of year! I was lucky enough to spend a couple days in the woods just outside of the city with a handful of really awesome kids a few weeks ago. The trees were in full bloom. It was lovely. I wish this could last all year round...


Friday, May 11, 2012

Instagram Newbie.

I finally have jumped on the Instagram bandwagon.

Here is a glimpse of my week...

Catching up on orders.


Babysitting the niece, Sadie.

Sadie Pedicure.

Old car died. Bought new one.

Wearing my favorite boys.


Pet photoshoot.

The End.

Follow me: ohmelisa
