Monday, December 5, 2011

Melisa's House. Part 2. The Livingroom.

So you have already seen some of my kitchen, I figured maybe it is time to give you a glimpse of my living room. As I have mentioned before, we rent this house so there is only so much I can do with it (curse hunter green carpet). But anyway, here are some of my favorite parts.

I am obsessed with my couch. I found it in the Pennysaver for FREE. 
I use an old trunk for my coffee table. I collected a bunch of frames to hang on the wall.
The dog is from the Humane Society ;)
The white little dog hairs everywhere is his contribution to the decor.

This is an antique lamp with some old books and vintage hankie.
The little smokers stand was a goodwill find for $10.

My gold chair has seen better days, but being a thrifted find, I can hang on to it a little longer.

These shelves are actually drawers I found in someone's trash.
I got 3 of them... score!

Antique knick knacks are my newest collection.
The uglier the better.

The photos are my great grandfather. Those were his glasses.

In case you don't know, Mister Rogers is my hero.
I really adore him. I have a little vintage puppet collection and some other things
in my little "shrine" to him.

I am waiting to add a Trolley to my collection.

Little red ladder with some art hanging out on it.
The cat piece if from my friend Dave Watt.
The kid paintings are from my little friend Finn and Vinny.

My mom got me this antique jelly cabinet for a birthday gift.
It is robin's egg blue. It holds my DVDs now.

My father-in-law is a master hunter. He gave us this bear skull (which he painted).

He also gave us this ancient TV, haha. You should have seen the old one.
I used an old trunk as a TV stand.

Family photos tacked on old trunk lids.

Creepy old man art, check.

My favorite Christmas gift from my husband.
He knows if it's old and tacky, I will love it.

Those boots were my husband's great grandmother's.
How did ladies fit their feet in such narrow boots?

We painted just one wall red because the carpet is so dark. It does look kind of Christmas-ish.
Sorry about the dark photo... I found these old doors in the trash.
I used vintage tablecloths as valances.

Well, that is the end of my little tour. Thanks for looking.

Is livingroom one word or two?
My spelling and grammar are cringe-worthy. Sorry.



  1. i love all of those ceramics..reminds me of the trinkets i inherited from my grandmothers!

  2. aww thanks! I would love to see your collection! That is so cool that you have your grandmothers little treasures! Thanks for reading, I am now sucked into your blog and can't stop reading!


  3. you got a nice home:)it looks very all the frames on the top of your sofa:)

  4. i'm glad you share the knick knack mentality of "the uglier the better". I'm right there with you! <3

  5. haha, oh yes! i am glad i am not the only one! The reason i love that vase so much is because chippy went into an antique store without me and saw that ugly thing and knew i would love it!
