Sunday, June 16, 2013

Top Ten Coolest Celebrity Dads!

There are a lot of cool celebrity dads out there, but we think that these dads take the cake. These are the dads that spend the most time with there kids and are just plain cool.

  Johnny Depp: Who else can teach there kids about regrettable tattoos and how to wear feathers in your hair and make it look cool?!

T.I.:  If you have not watched T.I. and Tiny yet go watch it. He is super funny and is always trying to teach his kids life lessons.

Dean McDermott: Um... he is married to Donna Martin and he cooks need I say more?

Brad Pitt: Not only is he gorgeous, but he also adopted kids from third world countries. Sexy and a humanitarian.

 Will Smith: He does movies with his kids and can anyone remember the video Just The Two Of Us with his oldest son?

Mark Wahlberg:  From underwear model to famous actor this guy has it all! It also doesn't hurt that his brother is in NKOTB!

Ozzy: He is the Prince of f***ing Darkness and he sends his daughters flowers every Valentine's Day from "a secret admirer".

David Beckham: Well, he is hot and hot and hot! Also, he spends a lot of quality time with his kids. Like Andrea reminded me did anyone see him and his daughter Harper on that kiss cam?

 Neal Patrick Harris: He is super funny and is always talking about how much he loves his kids. It doesn't hurt that he hangs out with Elton John!

Hugh Jackman: He was the celebrity dad that I found the most pictures of hanging with his kids. How cool is it that he rides scooters with them?!

To this years celebrity dads, we at Ain't That The Berries salute you!

- danielle, melisa, andrea, and sarah

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