Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Grill All The Peaches!

Grilling peaches seems to be a new trend I am seeing. I could be extremely late on this observation because I am not always with the times. I mean I just jumped on the ombre hair phenomenon yesterday. Literally, yesterday. (And it looks fabulous if I do say so myself).

I grilled a peach tonight and I regret nothing. I would grill them all day every day just to have the smell of a peach pie in the house constantly. It's that great.

I made a simple salad and added whatever I had in the fridge. It was extremely easy and grilling fruit should be done more often.

Once you quarter however many peaches you chose, brush each side (the "meaty" part) with olive oil and grill for about 2 minutes, flip and grill the other side for 2 minutes. I also grilled some chicken to slice on top as well. I used a grill pan, but you can use a real grill if you're feeling feisty. 

Let the peaches and chicken cool.

Top it with whatever salad toppers your prefer or have on hand. I sliced up celery and sprinkled dried cranberries and goat cheese on mine. 

The most pretentious salad I have ever created
The dressing I made was very simple. It was just white balsamic vinegar, olive oil, 1 tbs. honey, 1 tbs dijon mustard, and a pinch of both salt and pepper. I also had some blueberry balsamic that I tossed in there too. Those measurements are all eyeballed so whatever you feel comfortable with. I don't normally dress my salads in the large bowl because it gets soggy if you have leftovers. Nobody likes soggy lettuce. Nobody. 

Don't be afraid to grill your fruits! It's also great on top of ice cream. Now I need ice cream. 

Do you like to grill any other fruits? Give us your recipe in the comments!


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