Friday, June 21, 2013

Henry Fashion Obsession - LEGGINGS!

I am having lots of fun dressing my little guy. Right now, since he is only 4 months old, I tend to stick to more comfortable things for him to wear, although I can't wait to get him in some skinny jeans.

One of my very favorite staples in his little wardrobe are basic leggings.

 I love them because...
1.They are comfy.
2.They are generally inexpensive.
3.They come in every color and pattern you can imagine.
4.You can get gender neutral colors and patterns so
they are perfect hand me downs.
5.They can be worn longer because they are cute
baggy and tighter, as well as longer rolled up or shorter "cropped".
I am always on the hunt for new leggings for Henry. Here are some on my "wish list" for future buying.
(Ok, these ones are no longer on my wish list because
I just bought them and they are on the way. I can't wait
to post some pics of Henry modeling them soon!)
Check out "The Little Spoons" shop on etsy for these and more.

While we are visiting Etsy...

Amazing antler patterned leggings!
Find them at "carlymegan" shop.
Then there are plaids...

"Lillabarn" shop (on Etsy also) not only has LOTS
of cute handmade leggings, but also adorable
onesies, tees, and baby bandanas!

Just go to Etsy, search for "baby leggings" and you will find TONS of amazing leggings for kiddos.
Moving on to some new shops found thanks to Pinterest!

Oh, also these please because sharks are great.

I just discovered "The Pippa and Ike", which is a great children's clothing site!
These are on sale.
You know how I love stripes!
*Hey Mom, Henry needs these, buy them here.*

For the best deals on comfy leggings and other comfy children's clothing, I have been loving "Cotton On"
I am loving these color block leggings, find them
and lots more colors and styles only 2 for $15!

For basics, I got to "American Apparel".
These are only $12 and they come in various colors!

I have found so many, I may have to do a PART 2 soon!

Lately, it's been so hot in our house that Henry has ditched clothes, so I have no new pics of him in his favorite leggings. However, I will leave you with this pic of him mastering his perfect "duck face".

Enjoy shopping, and if you come across any other great finds. Keep me posted!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Shop Melisa's Closet.

I m cleaning out my closet. Getting rid of some great items that for some reason I never wear. I am in that mode where I want to "start over" with my wardrobe.
I put lots of things up on ebay.

These and more over at Ebay (including maternity items). My username is : cashclashrock.

Have a great day folks!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Two Years

Today marks two years of being married to the most incredible man on the planet. He has made me the happiest girl and has taught me what it truly means to love someone. With Jake, I really do have it all. I am excited about everyday that we get to spend together. Happy anniversary darling.

Isn't he adorable?

Thanks to Rachel Norris for the lovely photos!

I can't help myself, so here are a few of my favorite little moments on our wedding day:

Photos by Kyna Damewood <3


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Top Ten Coolest Celebrity Dads!

There are a lot of cool celebrity dads out there, but we think that these dads take the cake. These are the dads that spend the most time with there kids and are just plain cool.

  Johnny Depp: Who else can teach there kids about regrettable tattoos and how to wear feathers in your hair and make it look cool?!

T.I.:  If you have not watched T.I. and Tiny yet go watch it. He is super funny and is always trying to teach his kids life lessons.

Dean McDermott: Um... he is married to Donna Martin and he cooks need I say more?

Brad Pitt: Not only is he gorgeous, but he also adopted kids from third world countries. Sexy and a humanitarian.

 Will Smith: He does movies with his kids and can anyone remember the video Just The Two Of Us with his oldest son?

Mark Wahlberg:  From underwear model to famous actor this guy has it all! It also doesn't hurt that his brother is in NKOTB!

Ozzy: He is the Prince of f***ing Darkness and he sends his daughters flowers every Valentine's Day from "a secret admirer".

David Beckham: Well, he is hot and hot and hot! Also, he spends a lot of quality time with his kids. Like Andrea reminded me did anyone see him and his daughter Harper on that kiss cam?

 Neal Patrick Harris: He is super funny and is always talking about how much he loves his kids. It doesn't hurt that he hangs out with Elton John!

Hugh Jackman: He was the celebrity dad that I found the most pictures of hanging with his kids. How cool is it that he rides scooters with them?!

To this years celebrity dads, we at Ain't That The Berries salute you!

- danielle, melisa, andrea, and sarah

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ten Movies You Need To Rewatch This Summer

Danielle and I realized we haven't done a post together yet and what better way than to talk about one of our favorite past times: movies!!

Here is a list of movies (in no particular order) we think you need to watch this summer. If you don't, that's your fault. We have refined taste.

First Wives Club starring Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, and Diane Keaton. All you need to know is "I beat Meryl!".

Pretty in Pink starring Molly Ringwald, Jon Cryer and Andrew McCarthy

Breakfast Club starring Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, and Anthony Michael Hall. Yes, Molly Ringwald can be, and should be on every list twice.

Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere. 

Meatballs starring Bill F*CKING Murray, Harvey Atkin and Kate Lynch

Clueless starring Alicia Silverstone, Paul Rudd, Stacey Dash, and Brittany Murphy. As if.

Purple Rain starring Prince...that's all that matters.

Airheads starring Brendan Fraser with long hair, Steve Buscemi with long hair, and Adam Sandler.

Mannequin starring Andrew McCarthy and Kim Cattrall

Wayne's World 1&2 starring Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. We can post two movies at once because it's our blog and we do what we want. Party on.

Wayne's World

Wayne's World 2

Watch and be merry! What are some of your favorite movies to rewatch?

-andrea & danielle

Thursday, June 13, 2013

NKOTB Concert - Obsessed For Life.

If you were a young girl in the 90's, you probably were obsessed with
New Kids on The Block. Danielle and I were no exception.
We had the cassettes, watched the videos, had the dolls, pins, etc.
My dream was to randomly run into Jon somewhere and for him
to fall in love with me. I thought I had a chance with him, because
we were both shy, even though he was 20 years old and I was 10.
Danielle's love was for Jordan (us sister's loved those Knight brothers).
The best Easter ever was when the Easter Bunny left Danielle and I
matching NKOTB tee shirts in our baskets!

(Later that day, Danielle fell face first in mud and ruined her shirt.)

Although we had everything NKOTB related when we were young,
we never got to go to an actual NKOTB concert.

Then a few years ago, the good Lord answered my 10 year old prayers
and the group reunited! Little did Danielle and I know, the obsession
would be rekindled only way worse than before!

We got tickets as a gift for the reunion tour.
We drove a couple hours to Cleveland with the intention to
leave feeling nostalgic and have some laughs.
Let me tell you, once they took the stage, it was like a wave
came over us and we were kids again! We were screaming
like little girls, dancing for 2 straight hours, and singing every word!

It was over and we felt sad the night ended.
We immediately got tickets to the next nearest concert.
Since then we have seen them 5 times.

The very best night was when we were given backstage passes,
by a random story which I won't bore you with, and we got to
meet DONNIE WAHLBERG! We talk about this every chance we get.
We were totally not cool when this took place.
Loss of words, too awkward to stand up for the photo,
and I caught myself reaching my hand up to hold his. So embarrassing!
We were showing off our NKOTB tattoos which we got
after our 1st concert which are cassette tapes that say "Hangin' Tough".

Tuesday night we went to our 5th NKOTB concert with 3
of our other friends who are just as obsessed.

Once again, it was a fun time that made us all feel young again.
If you have yet to learn much about this reunion, here are a few things to know:
1. They still look super hot.
2. They still do choreographed dancing.
3. They have 2 new albums which we LOVE.
4. They perform all the old hits (and a few new ones).
5. They still look SUPER hot.

Here are some photos from the Pittsburgh concert (taken from
*We were too far away to take good pics this time*

My man Jon sang a little solo, I was so proud.

Danielle LITERALLY burst into tears when Jordan
sang part of a Prince song ("Kiss") as he exposed some abs.

Ok, so I have gone on gushing for long enough...
let me leave you with this advice, if you were a fan back in the day,
You will have a blast and I think you will be impressed with
how they can still do what they do.

Here is the music video to the newest single:
(Hubba, hubba.)

Don't ever be ashamed of things (or guys) you love.

Have any of you went to the reunion concerts?

-Melisa (& Danielle)