Monday, April 22, 2013


I guess it is my turn for a life update. Over the past couple months I have been focusing most of my energy on my photography. I am currently gathering together ideas & shooting for three different series that I plan on submitting to galleries, as well as planning a trip out west this summer to photograph the redwoods & the coast. I am selling a few select prints in editions of 24 each to help raise funds for these endeavors as well as a new 35mm film camera. If anyone is interested you can check out my print shop.
I'm pretty excited about this coming year & my work. Photography is the only thing I know for certain. As dramatic as this might sounds, I really don't know what I would do if it wasn't such a important part of my life.
Current work:

Thank you all for your support & I sincerely hope that you enjoy my photographs. 
I will be blogging about a super cute wedding that I shot in film very soon so stay tuned!


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