Thursday, January 10, 2013

I AM SO READY... for 2013!

So far this year has brought me so much hope! Here are the top 3 things I'm looking forward to in the new year.

Amy Poehler and Tina Fey hosting the Golden Globes! This combines three of my loves... celebs, award shows, and funny ladies! You go girls!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are having a baby. Not only am i weirdly obsessed with the Kardashians i am also obsessed with celeb drama and this story promises to bring me a lot of both in the new year. I gotta give it up to Kim K. for figuring out a way to stay famous for a lot longer than we all thought she would. I also hear that according to California law if she has the baby while still married to the hump master he legally has rights to her and Kanye's baby! Look out Mr. West you just stepped into some real baby mama drama!

Last and certainly not least today i come across the best celeb news in years... he's back!
It wasn't too long ago that i wrote a blog about Mr. Timberlake and voiced my concerns over his long absence from music. Justin and Jesus must be reading this blog because my prayers have been answered! Though there is no release date issued it looks like there is real hope that sexy is coming back in 2013!

Happy New Year Everyone!


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