Friday, October 26, 2012

Stick Around Indian Summer.

The past few days have been beautiful here in Pittsburgh! It feels like the perfect summer day. I love it. I had the day off today so I tried to make the most of it. I'm finally finished with the madness of wedding season & have been in great need of a day like today.

Packaged up John & Elizabeth's wedding photos! Last
wedding of the year.

Pink lemonade. Of course.


Best buddy.


A bunch of these guys.

And some of this guy.

I can only hope that this warm spell last just a little longer.



  1. It has been beautiful here in the STL too - cool, but sunny - very crisp. My knowledge of Eastern geography is clearly woefully inadequate - are you affected by Sandy at all?

    I got a chuckle out of the phrase "the madness of wedding season" We will be experiencing that on a very limited scale, and from the other side of the lens very soon- our oldest just got engaged, and the big day is October 5th next year.

  2. Congratulations on the engagement!
    And right now we are just waiting on the storm... it is supposed to hit us within the next couple days.
    We'll see!
