Monday, October 1, 2012

Instagram Life- Andrea

Greetings! It has been slow here on the blog and the gals and I haven't been able to get together, but that will all soon change. If any of you have some things you'd like to ask any of us, see us create, or a fun photo shoot idea leave it in the comments! We all love a challenge.

I have been pretty busy this last week with family stuff, but I also had time for some fun.

Chucks and I met Sid Haig at the horror convention that was in town. Now, if you told me a year ago I'd be at the convention and thoroughly enjoying myself I would be doubtful. Thanks C for the intro to all of the cool things! It was a blast and Ken Foree made me blush a little with his smoother than butter charisma. 

We took one of the babysitting kids, X, to the zoo. He has the most energy I have ever seen.
Disclaimer: that little girl was not my responsibility.

Littlest niece fell asleep on the way to find her mom a fancy shmancy dress for a Naval ball. That is bread on her lap....she may actually be my child after all.

L.N. and her new friend Pierce were measuring hands at the diner.

A nice end to a nice week at my local watering hole with some pals. This is Jess, she likes milkshakes.

Hope everyone had a great week and will have an even better one this week! 


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