Friday, July 27, 2012

Instagram Life and Sincere Apologies, Love Andrea

I know there have been apologies of not as many posts lately and I am about to throw another one out there. I have been wanting to be fancy and make things, but I have been so busy and also in a weird place of little-to-no motivation. I have a very excited endeavor ahead of me that promise I will share with you when everything is settled.
This is what my insides are doing.

Now on to sharing a little of what I have done the last few days! 

Littlest niece is going through an identity crisis.

It's that time of year again where Lisa, my sister Kelly, and I are the beer girls for my dad's work golf outing. Also, my brother in law* is a brave man giving me that golf club.

Kelly and I had a slumber party! Rosebud joined in on the fun...until Adam* came home.

Stumbled on some old family photos. (My mom is the little girl in the left photo, and my dad is in the stroller in the right photo)

Chucky and I went to the Vintage Grand Prix at the loverly Schenley Park in the city. It ruled. It smelled like the race track my brother and I used to play with and almost catch the carpet on fire from sparking cars.

My heart.

Silvia: Queen of the castle.

What have you dolls been up to? I've missed you!


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