Thursday, June 21, 2012

A New Kitchen.

At the beginning of the month Jake and I moved from our apartment in South Side to a quiet little place in the East End. We have been in the process of settling for a bit but everything seems to have found its place & it is feeling more like home every day. I figured I would give a little "home tour" and I'll start with the kitchen, which is in the back of the apartment. It is much smaller than the kitchen in our old apartment but I like it. It feels cozy.

The window sill above our sink. The little bird/strawberry trinket
is from my friend Jordan B. & just may be my favorite trinket yet.

Jake and I have been making all kinds of jam this summer.

Under one of the cabinets is a cute little shelf.
Perfect for my cook book collection.

My favorite item in the kitchen!

Cutest little gift from Melisa <3

Because the apartment has such high ceilings
Jake had to build be a little step stool... 

Oh! and did I mention we have a sweet new roommate!

I am really excited to be in a neighborhood that actually feels like one! 
Have a great weekend!



  1. these photos are amazing :)
    I love them!

  2. why thank you!
    i'm glad you enjoyed them.

  3. This is a truly cool post. I love this kitchen. Totally the style would fit battery powered chainsaw consumer reports
