Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Go Skate Day 2012

Happy Wednesday my little nutty squirrels! For those of you who don't know, I work at two different places during the week and one of them is for a local screen printing shop called Commonwealth Press. It is owned by Dan Rugh (pronounced in Rue McClanahan, as in Blanche Devereaux, as in if you don't know who I am talking about there is no repairing this newly damaged relationship), and his radtastic wife Shannon. Check out the website if you are in need of some custom merch! We ship wherever so...

Anyway, last Thursday CWP, along with a bunch of other local vendors, sponsored Go Skate Day put on by Vitamin Water! I got to work it with Dan Rock and we had a nice sweaty, Vitamin Water chugging, skateboarder oogling (me), day. A contest for kids under 18 was held and the winner got a trip to Camp Woodward which is a spectacular action sports/cheerleading/gymnastics/etc. camp. They also have their own show on a station I can't recall right now, but I have watched it because I secretly like to live out my 10-12 skateboard obsessed years. Kareem Campbell, if you're out there, I still love you and the Ghetto Bird for reasons still unknown.

It was nice to see some of my friends attend and hang out with them and watch them skate around. There was also a few music acts to help fill the air with some noise. Killer of Sheep played first and I enjoy them thoroughly. The guitarist is my favorite human on Earth so that has everything a lot do with it. After KOS played, hip hop duo TimeCapsoul performed, followed by Dj Hank D, The 58's and closing out the day was Beedie. To be honest, I had no idea who any of them were, and still really don't. I bobbed my head and tapped my feet under our tent though.

Bouch and his silly hat took some photos he was nice enough to share with me! Ch-ch-check it out!

One Up Pgh skate team
This little smudge won the trip to camp!

What a great day and a great reason to get outside. Go Skate Day is all over the globe so find one near you!  


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