Saturday, April 21, 2012

What I Wore To A Wedding.

As I have mentioned before, doing this blog with these lovely, fashionable ladies really challenges me!

I have been excited about fashion again and slowly stepping out of my "comfort zone"
by trying to wear things I have always felt too insecure to try before.

Also, as I have mentioned before, I am forced to step out of my comfort zone by
taking photos of myself in outfits. 

So here we go with a post of me doing both things! Hooray!
Bear with me as I learn better photo taking skills along the way, for now, here is the best I can do...

Today I went to a friend's wedding.
This means last week I realized I have no dress clothes and was forced to do some last
minute shopping and hope for the best...

Here is what I came up with (of course Danielle and Andrea helped me out with suggestions)...

The dress is from H&M.
I wouldn't normally even try something like this on, but I am glad I did, I love it!

The rose patterned tights are from Urban Outfitters.

This raspberry colored cardigan is from Urban Outfitters too (on sale)!
The pins are thrifted finds.

 Brown boots are vintage from Etsy.

I may be afraid to pose like a normal person, but I am NOT afraid to give ya
a little "double finger gun" action...

Does anyone have suggestions of other ways I can wear this new dress?



  1. looking cute....
    lovd d pin :):)

  2. So adorable!! I love that dress on you. And the double finger gun shot....classic ;)
