Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sticker Makin' Saturday.

(This isn't really a tutorial, because it's just too dang easy)...

Today I decided to pull out my little "Xyron Create A Sticker" Maker
and make some stickers for packaging and more.

This small version can be purchased for under $15 at most craft stores or online.
The only issue is they can only be about 2 inches wide.

I went through my misc. papers and old magazines, books, etc and found 
some fun images to use.
You can also use fabric or cut strips of paper to use as a "washi tape".
I also used my typewriter to type up some phrases and drew a few little designs too.

*That Steven Tyler in the corner is for Andrea*

All you do is put your paper in the top...

Pull it through from the bottom...

 Rip, rub and peel it...
Trim it if you want to save them for later.


Here are some of my newly made stickers...

Now to stick em!

I have always been curious about the larger sticker makers,
if anyone has one, what are they like?


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