Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lovely Handmade Etsy Finds...

I have a lot of admiration for those who can think up and produce unique handmade items. While Etsy's vintage section will always be fun... my favorite part of that site is the emphasis on promoting & selling handmade goodies. Here are a few of my currant favorites:

Canal St. Dress by KLING SHOP.

Embroidered Loom by Clever Apple.

Leather Ballet Shoes by Bali ELF.

Mr. & Mrs. Tea Cups by Wandersketch.

Crocheted necklace by Bobbi Lewin.

Woodland animals by redtilestudio.

Crocheted slippers by peoplewebs.

Bamboo napkin rings by Frenchfelt.

Lace bunting by Ami Elisah.

Be sure to check out these sweet little shops! And if any of you guys happen to know of some great handmade shops pass them this way!
Happy shoppin!



  1. thank you for featuring my slippers, and in a group of such pretty things!

  2. We love your shop Lindsi! We would love to feature you and have you guest blog sometime!!
