Sunday, March 25, 2012

What I Wore - Yellow, Polka dots, and Red.

I actually wore this last Sunday because I have to bother Sarah to take photos.

We are so happy the weather is nice so we can be outside!

White button up - Urban Outfitters
Jeans - American Eagle

I have to be honest, I am totally out of my comfort zone posing for photos.
Bear with me through my awkwardness, hopefully I will get used to it.

Sweater - Urban Outfitters
Scarf/Bow - Thrifted
Pins - Thrifted

Shoes - Ebay (Canvas Ballet shoes for $7)
*Only last about 1 summer, time for a new pair!

Anyone else duct tape your favorite shoes?



  1. I love everything about this outfit! That little scarf is so cute! I don't think you look awkward. But I know what you mean, I will be going through my outfit photos and skip over so many because I think I look ridiculously awkward.

  2. Aww thanks!!! I started browsing your blog and i am sucked in! I love it!
