Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Orange Blossom Cookies

I am a big fan of anything citrusy, so when I stumbled upon a recipe for orange cookies I was pretty excited. I used this recipe and am extremely pleased. I didn't have vanilla bean paste and was in no mood to fight grocery store traffic, so I just used vanilla extract. (P.s. start reading Bridget's blog immediately if you know what's good for you. She's mastered the art of baking and making the rest of us look bad.)

Orange Blossom Cut-out Cookies- Makes 12 four inch cookies
3 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup granulated sugar
2 sticks (1 cup) salted butter, cut into chunks
1 egg
1 teaspoon pure orange extract
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (I used extract!)
1 teaspoon grated orange zest

Preheat oven to 350F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
1. In a medium bowl, whisk the flower and baking powder. Set aside.
2. In a large bowl of a standing mixer, cream together the butter and sugar using the paddle attachment. Beat until creamy and fluffy.
3. Beat in the egg, extract, vanilla, and zest until well combined.
4. In three additions, add the flour mixture on low speed. Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl between additions. Beat just until combined. Any stray bits of flour in the bowl can be kneaded in by hand.
5. Flour a rolling pin, work surface, and cookie cutter. Roll the dough to approximately 1/4" thick. Cut with the floured cutter and place on prepared cookie sheet. Freeze the cookies for 5-10 min before baking to prevent spreading.
6. Bake the cookies for 9-12 minutes, depending on size. Cool on the cookie sheet for one minute, and then transfer to a wire cooling rack to cool completely. **Keep your cookie sheet/parchment paper combo handy for glazing the cookies for easy clean up!

I am not a fan of icing what so ever, but the glaze that goes on the cookies is so good I couldn't stop eating it. Since I didn't have the vanilla bean paste to add the little flecks, I just grated in some orange zest to give it a little something extra.

Orange Blossom Glaze
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (I used extract again)
1/4 teaspoon pure orange extract
1 & 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of orange juice.

Whisk all together to a thick, pourable consistency. Place the cookies on a wire rack over a cookie sheet to catch drips and pour the glaze over the cookies. Spread with an offset spatula, if need be.

Go make these right now!!!


Giveaway - Number Two.

This month I have the chance to be the feature sponsor and host a giveaway
on one of my favorite blogs ...
Run With Scissors!

Check it out and find out how you could win a free handmade item by me...

Click here.

Good luck!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Obsessed: Lookbook Edition

One thing I have a large, as in almost unhealthy, obsession with is clothes, fashion, lookbooks, shoes, etc. etc. Especially lookbooks. If you aren't sure what one is (Mom, heads up), it is a collection of photos created to show off a model, photographer, or a clothing line. It's sort of like a little catelog of pictures that make you want to puke they are so great. You can find them everywhere online and it will ruin your life. Ruche is the biggest pusher to my habit. Their lookbooks do things to me. Their last two have me completely head over heels.

Enchantment is their Spring 2012 book. Not only are there amazing outfits to oogle at, but there are fabric kites too. I have no more to say about it.

The newest lookbook is To Have and To Hold. It is a collection of pretty bridey things that will make you swoon. Or cry..depending.

I know what you're all thinking, "but Andrea, shouldn't you be working and not wasting your time on internet things?". And to that I say, mind your business Gladys, I am working.

Now that you are as completely obsessed as I am, you may thank me.


P.S. I almost forgot to share the lookbook I was fortunate enough to style last year for Crazy Hot Clothes! Check it out here!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Revolution Radio.

Sarah and I's boys along with some great friends play music
in this band called "Revolution Radio" sometimes.

It's good, it's fun, it makes me happy.

I hope you like it too.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

What I Wore - Yellow, Polka dots, and Red.

I actually wore this last Sunday because I have to bother Sarah to take photos.

We are so happy the weather is nice so we can be outside!

White button up - Urban Outfitters
Jeans - American Eagle

I have to be honest, I am totally out of my comfort zone posing for photos.
Bear with me through my awkwardness, hopefully I will get used to it.

Sweater - Urban Outfitters
Scarf/Bow - Thrifted
Pins - Thrifted

Shoes - Ebay (Canvas Ballet shoes for $7)
*Only last about 1 summer, time for a new pair!

Anyone else duct tape your favorite shoes?


Saturday, March 24, 2012

DIY Tea Cup Pincushion

Every time I go vintage/thrift shopping I always seem to end up coming home with at least one little teacup. I enjoy collecting & using them as part of my home decor. As well as using them for craft projects and so today I made myself a little pincushion with one of these sweet thrift finds.

Supplies needed:
scrap fabric
paint brush

Cut out a circles about 4 inches wider than the cup.

Sew a running stitch around the fabric and stuff right
before closing it up. Next using your paintbrush cover
the inside of the cup with glue & place your fabric puff inside.
Let dry & you are good to go!

Enjoy & have a lovely day!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Etsy Finds.

When I am at work and bored I spend hours browsing Etsy.
Here are some of my favorites of the day...

Tell my husband to buy it for me here.

How cute is this little brooch?
This and many other unique pieces here.

Amazing little stationary set.
Who can I write a letter to on this?
Check it out here.

Love this jacket. Love the whole shop!
Go see for yourself here.

So cute! This shop has so many unique vintage finds!
Check it all out here.

I can't resist a good cat shirt.
Shop around here.

Oh Joe Strummer, how I miss you!
This shop has TONS of amazing pop culture shirts.
Find your favorite here.

I would love this table in my house.
Super neat shop here.

Well, there ya have it, things on my wishlist.
But really, I need that Mister Rogers stool.

Enjoy your day and shop Etsy!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Talented Friends - Lauren

I feel so very lucky to have a ridiculous amount of talented friends.
Today, I want to tell you about Lauren.

She is pretty, funny, and of course a talented artist.

I forced her to answer some questions the gals and I came up with, 
so read on and get to know my pal Lauren.

Here is our little interview...
Name: Lauren Rasch 
Where from: Originally from Tennessee, current Florida transplant, future resident of AnywhereButHere.
I asked her a bit about making things...
What are some of your first handmade craft/items you remember making? Other than normal childhood drawings, I think my first creative endeavors were nature crafts. I would go visit my grandmother on my grandparents' farm in Tennessee and we would go on adventures hunting fun items to use in crafty projects. We did leaf tracings and pressed flowers and daisy chains, and made sketches of things we'd found along the way. My artistic future definitely began in that farmhouse. 

What are your favorite things/crafts to make lately? I am mostly painting and doing illustration currently, but also toying around with found items to be used in sculpture, collage, and layering.

Where do you get your inspiration? Oh gosh, everywhere! I get inspiration from nature adventures, walking down the street, other artists, friends, conversations, music, meditation, the shower. Everywhere.

I asked her about fashion...
Describe your personal style: Eclectic. A bit of a mix of fun, flirty, and tough..with many vintage elements. And boots. I wear boots all year long. 
 Favorite place to shop (store or website): Thrift stores 4 lyfe.

Tell us about your worst haircut/style and or outfit/style phase: Well, I've had "the Rachel." And my hair was very much the wrong texture for that style. It was tragic. I also cut my own bangs when I was 4..and when I say "cut my own bangs," I mean I cut them off. My preschool photos are photos to be hidden forever.

I HAD to ask her about celebs...
Who is your celebrity crush? I will fight Melisa for Jason Schwartzman any day. Also thanks to her, Robert Pattinson. 
I never thought I would say that. Maybe that should be under the "guilty pleasure" section.

My favorite. I want.
Got a guilty pleasure celeb crush? Um, Mickey Rourke. And yes, I'm talking about Mickey Rourke
today. I almost had a panic attack seeing Iron Man 2. He's such a trainwreck, he's beautiful. Same goes
for Joaquin Phoenix. I only like him as a burly crazy person. I didn't find him the least bit attractive until
he went insane. I'm probaby exposing way too much of myself here. haha.
Guilty pleasure favorite song? When no one is around, I listen to a lot of rap/hip hop. I mean....a lot. 

Besides bonding over artsy craftsy things, celebs, Twilight, reality TV, and boots, we obsess over our pets.
Zissou the bulldog and Emerson the pit bull.

Extra bonus questions...
If you could be any animal, what would you be? I would be my bulldog, Zissou in a millisecond. He has
the best life ever. And he's cute as hell.
Why won't you visit me in Pittsburgh? I WILL. I'M GONNA. I have recently fallen in likelove with a beautiful
wonderful man and we are discussing locations to move to. Pittsburgh is being discussed. I kid you not.
Hang in there, Ima come get ya.

So, if you like Lauren's amazing art, she does take commissions for custom work.
You can contact her and check out more of her work here:
You can also contact her via e-mail:

Thank you Lauren!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Morning... What We Wore

Today we were blessed with yet another gorgeous day! This morning was my favorite part of the day, it was one of those mornings where you actually do wake up to birds, sunshine, and the perfect cup of coffee. Melisa came over to hang out and we had ourselves a mini photo shoot & I wore shorts for the first time (out in public) this year!


What Melisa wore: button down from nordstorm/ shorts from american eagle that she cut off/ tights from h&m/ moccasins from minnetonka
What I wore: shirt from uo/ shorts up-cycled vintage levis/ belt & shoes vintage/ tights from uo