Friday, February 24, 2012

Win an "oh melisa! " Custom item!

In the next few months, some of my favorite blogs are hosting
giveaways of any custom applique item from my etsy shop.

I will be doing one giveaway a month, so I will keep you posted on what blogs
to check out to find out how you can win!

Today is my first official giveaway.
"The Prairie Hen" has been so kind to host it!

Her blog is so sweet. She has great daily posts about being a mommy
(has an adorable little girl and a 2nd girl on the way),
thrift store finds, tutorials, and more!

She has been so sweet to work with!
I am so excited to share her blog with you!

So go check out her blog and read this to enter to win...

Tell your friends :)

And if you don't win this time, there will be more chances coming soon!


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