Saturday, February 18, 2012

Shout Out to A New Blogger Friend...

In my search to start some ad sponsorships, I came across a blog that I just became obsessed with.
The blog is called "Run With Scissors".
It is full of daily life stuff, crafty stuff, and starting a family stuff.

It is by a lovely lady, Janel, 

who along with her husband,
have been working towards adopting a baby girl.
The adoption timeline is so precious to read.
And check out this nursery they have been working on...

Anyway, they finally got the call that a baby girl is on the way to them!

With that comes lots of fees, etc. and they need to raise the funds A.S.A.P.

We just wanted to give her a shout out and spread the word, hoping more friends
will donate or buy some of her amazing things in her etsy shop.

We wish Janel and her family the best and we are dying to see pics of Amelia!

-melisa and the gals

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