Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Melisa's House Tour Continues - My Collection Room

I have this "foyer" area in my house.
I am not sure if it is intended for something else, 
but I have made into my "collection" space.

I have been collecting religious art for about 6 years.
Anything Jesus, Mary, Saint related.
Pictures, statues, books (old Bibles).
Rosaries, Holy Cards.
I love them.
(I apologize for the terrible photography, I should have had Sarah take photos)

Side note: I covered the wall with vintage hankies.

I think I have officially run out of room for anything else.
What do you collect?



  1. i love the vintage hankie wall!!!

  2. Thanks Mindi! I just tacked them up with vintage looking tacks... i might do that with a larger wall when I collect more hankies

  3. the terrible photography, its terribly fitting...and beautiful.
