Monday, January 9, 2012

Hello Bully!

Today I would love to share a cause and organization that is near and dear to my heart.
The organization is called "Hello Bully" (I know, cute name right?).
They are a local non-profit who's mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, 
and repair the reputation of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
I believe the Pit Bull is a wonderful breed with a hurt reputation.
It makes me sad that so many amazing dogs sit in shelters and often die there 
because of the name of the breed.
I feel like it is wrong to stereotype and entire breed.
They are usually more known for the terrible dog fighting, than their
loving and loyal personalities.

I grew up with them and many of my family and friends are Pit Bull owners.

That is why, when my husband and I decided to get a dog,
we wanted to adopt a Pit Bull.
Hello Bully connected us with our local Humane Society and they introduced us to 
"Mason" who we re-named "Bruce Springsteen".

They also connected us with an amazing training class for the Pit Bull Breed.
Bruce was very proud to have graduated.

Hello Bully has a number of programs geared toward helping Pit Bulls.
They have a "Pit Bull 101" educational presentation.
Their "Pit Fix Plus" program offers free spay/neuter and vaccines to
Pittsburgh area Pit Bulls.
"Chains for Change" offers humane, effective methods of training (positive reinforcement).
And of course they work hard to find homes for their "adopt-a-bulls".
Like this little lady ready to find a family...

 Please take a look at the website and browse the details of what 
they do and ways you can support them!
They also have a facebook page.

Right now, they are planning an annual Gala which raises money for the organization.
I am collecting raffle items (handmade items, gift certificates, etc), so if you
want to donate to help the cause, let me know :)

Thanks for reading, I shall leave you with photos of some of my other favorite Bullies...
Do you have a Pit Bull breed? Tell me about them!



Kayla and Littles


Nero (with my nephew Brax)

Momma (I wanna steal her, she is the sweetest!)



  1. We wouldn't have our pit bull, Hope, if it weren't for the great work that local organizations do to change the perception of them. I had NO IDEA how badly they are treated by our society until someone started telling me. I feel really lucky to have found ours!

    Feel free to check her out on facebook: @TripawdHope

  2. OMG! I am in LOVE! She is so pretty! Thank God people look past the reputations and wonderful dogs like her get adopted! I think they do more for our lives than we do for them :)

  3. Great article, thanks so much for writing it. And loveloveloooove the pictures!

  4. Thanks so much! We appreciate you reading! I could look at cute animal pics all day haha :)

  5. What a cool organization. I have a pit bull/lab mix, named Stella, and she is the sweetest dog! I think its soooo hilarious when people ask me if the pit bull makes her aggressive. I just laugh! She is truly THE best dog. Just this morning I was thinking about how funny it is that my kitten gets along with her so well. I have so many photos of them sleeping together. They love each other!
