Tuesday, January 31, 2012

DIY Tea Light Candle Holder

I have always had a soft spot in my heart for mason jars and mason jar crafts. They have always been an easy and fun way to decorate and organize my little home. So I was super excited to try this little candle holder project that I saw: here. I had some extra jars (big surprise) and fabric left over from other projects so I was set.

Items needed:
glass jar
craft glue
paint brush
tea lights... (I used battery powered ones)

Cut fabric into 1 or 2 inch strips.

In a bowl mix two parts water to one part glue.
Completely coat fabric strips in glue mixture,
then use your fingers to kinda  squeegee any excess glue mix.
Next, place fabric strip on the inside of your jar & use your
brush to push out any air bubbles.

Let dry over night and then trim edges.
And there ya go!
I hope you have enjoyed this little tutorial! 
Have a beautiful Tuesday!



  1. What a cute idea! This is such a cute gift idea. Loving this. Just pinned to pinterest so I can remember to make it!

    XO. Britt
