Sunday, January 1, 2012

Best and Worst Dressed Celebrities of 2011!

So here is my opinion of the best and worst dressed celebs of the year!
There were so many to choose from good and bad but i had to narrow it down to two each... i couldn't pick just one I'm way too indecisive!

For best dressed it came down to the two Emma's! 

Emma Watson

I couldn't decide if it was the adorable haircut or the fashion!
Whatever it was it was working for her not only is she young and beautiful she is always dressed wonderfully. Whether its edgy or glamorous she always looks beautiful and age appropriate which i love and is very rare these days! It doesn't hurt that she is the face of Burberry which is one of my favorites!

Emma Stone

Now this girl has been around for awhile but this year she really stepped it up in the fashion department!
This Emma tends to be a little more trendy and quirky with her style and this funny girl pulls it off! She plays with different shapes and colors but never goes too far which is a concept that most celebs can't comprehend! If only we could all be this beautiful, funny, and fashionable!

Now for my two Fasholes of the year!

Christina Aguilera

Where do i start because it is all bad! i think i will start with the hair... one word insanity! Someone needs to explain to her what a hairbrush is or has she only been watching Little Mermaid and thinks its ok to use a fork to brush her hair! She just looks dirrrty... (sorry i had to)! I know i have said it before but i will keep saying it until she listens... please where clothes that fit your body! This isn't Lady Marmalade circa 2001 you are 31 years old and a mother now! I expect this type of things form the talentless Keisha's of the world but not from an amazing talent such as yourself! 
I want this Christina back!

This was just last year at the Golden Globes!

Not X-Tina!

VMA's 2002

Fashole number two!

Nicole Kidman

Now this is someone who should know better and has dressed better for the last ten years... what happened to this once glamorous celeb?! I know you were mostly out supporting hubby Keith Urban but you think you would want to look your best to represent that hunky mans wife! Is it because you have been in the country too long and are letting the barn yard animals pick your clothes?! Please fix this in 2012 i want Nicole Kidman the fashionista back or else just stay home with the chickens!

Well that about wraps it up for this years fashion recap. Again this is just my opinion which really means nothing so let me know what you think! Do you agree, disagree, or have an opinion on who i passed up?  
Lets hope this year those on this list can either keep it up or change it up!

~ Danielle 

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