Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Columbus (Ohio) Day!

I just got back from Columbus, Ohio yesterday and I had me a blast! I stayed with my pal Louie (aka my gusband) and got to see some family. Bonus!

I decided to wear my new Navajo print cardigan, some cut offs, tights, and my black boots for travel. It was a very comfy choice. Of course I had to wear my two new favorite necklaces my Mindi gave my for my birthday!

Cardigan: Forever 21
Cut offs: Hacked by me
Boots: TJ Maxx

Once I got to Louie's apartment, Bettie Page (Ms. Page if ya nasty) was there to BEGRUDGINGLY greet me.

You would not believe how many butt shots I got of this kitty. She is not representing her name sake well, at least on Tuesday.

Before we took off for some Thai lunch, Louie's quick work meeting, and then dinner with my dear cousins Laura and Todd, I spammed his Mac's Photobooth.

Oh, how stunning!
This looks better!

We went back to the apartment after dinner with Katie and Holly, and I honestly don't think I have ever laughed so hard. I cried all of my make up off hanging out with that bunch. After watching Serial Mom it was off to bed!

The next day we went to lunch with my mom's cousin Stella, and my Great Aunt Bid (I always forget her real name is Margaret). These two ladies are full of jokes, especially Bid. She is sharp as a tack, 91 years old, THE ULTIMATE LUNCH LADY, and can make me laugh no matter what.
Stella, The Lady Biddith, and I

Louie had to work Wednesday evening so I stayed home with Ms. Page (who scared the life out of me with her stares most of the afternoon), and spammed with some more photos. Later, I had a mini Tim Burton movie marathon, did the dishes, and ate the lemon/raspberry cheesecake I brought home from lunch. You know, the things all good hags do!

On my last day there, we had a full day of fun! Our first stop was to a thift store, where we feasted our eyes on some trinkets and paintings.

In case you forgot, it's in Ohio
Nothing like a "crushed velvet", periwinkle, corduroy, men's jacket!
Clay Aiken was in town. How lucky for us!?

Next, we headed downtown to Rag-O-Rama, an awesome vintage resale shop on High St., and I am almost positive I had a stroke. This shop is amazing. I dare you not to find something! I bought a cute cardigan and some buttons.

After visiting some friends in German Village, we went to Tip Top for dinner. It is a tiny store front in downtown Columbus, and the minute you get inside you realize how freaking fantastic your time there is going to be. There are really old photos, knick-knacks, and programs all over the walls. I was already into it before I even ordered. THAT'S WHEN THE MAGIC HAPPENED! If you are ever in Columbus and feel the urge to stuff your face with something, go to Tip Top and get the pot roast sandwich. There are no words. None.

That is a pretzle bun, those are egglplant fries, and if you see tears on the plate it's from me weeping. 
I had such a nice time visiting some folks I love this week. I miss New Albany, and Louie already!!


P.S. Did I mention how cute New Albany is??
Center of town

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