Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Favorite Etsy Finds...

I have some fun ideas for new blog posts, but not much time to put them together as of late. Being bored at work has me doing some Etsy browsing (maybe my husband will take the hints and remember this around Christmas, haha). Here are some of my favorite finds today...

I am loving this vintage doe lamp.

I do need a new purse, mine is falling apart.
This vintage grey fringe purse would go with most things (once i buy a purse, I stick with it for a LONG time). It has to match everything.

It's a little odd, but there is something about this hand carved tiger mask that I just love.

My pal got me some of this Washi Tape for my birthday and I am obsessed.
I use it all the time for packaging.
This  shop has too many that I want.

I have wanted this coaster set for a long time.
Take a few minutes to browse this shop and check out the neat artwork.

Oh pretty antique quilt, I love you.

I love vintage tees and I love Billy Idol.
More , more, more.

Ok, last one. I promise. It's affordable too...

These mini book necklaces are so cute!
Check out more here.

Ok, so that is my list for tonight. Shop for handmade and fun vintage finds on etsy.



  1. I'm slightly addicted to Etsy and you're only enabling me :) cute stuff!

  2. Oh tell me about it! I look for everything on there :) Let me know if you have any favorite shops we must know about!

  3. What cool picks! Thanks so much for including our tiger! I love that tiger and will be sad when he leaves for his new home whenever and wherever that will be. Oh well, I cannot keep everything, our house is overflowing as it is. ;D

  4. That has to be the hardest part about selling vintage! I wouldn't want to part with it! You have a lovely shop :)

  5. Thanks for featuring my purse! xoxo 454

  6. Love the Billy Idol T! Thanks for including the doe lamp in here :) :) :) Great list.
