Monday, October 24, 2011


Today is finally here: our first real post with brand new pictures where we aren't all huddled together and shivering. We wanted our first entry to be a group post discussing how this all came to be. The concept of a blog came up at some point in time last Winter and we have been planning this ever since. Our first meeting was at Big Dog Coffee and that is when Melisa pulled four Lisa Frank notebooks out of her brooch adorned bag, along with 8 fancy pens. Two for each of course. We sat at a small table in the back room and wrote down so many ideas we were all pretty certain this baby would be up and running in no time. (Cut to right this second, almost a year later, and it is finally happening).

Big dog at Big Dog. Har har.

In February, we started meeting every week for breakfast at Caffe Davio in South Side, where we kind of fell in love with our adorable waitress, and coming up with ideas for our blog. Most meetings started off with chit chat about American Idol, other celebrity news, things going on in our lives, and giggling. About ten minutes before it was time to part ways is when we would get to blog talk. What it would be about, how do we buy a domain, what would the name be? The name took up most of our discussion. We had lists and kept trying to come up with a cute name to call our own. Glad Rags..sounds adorable, we loved it. Wrong, it is not adorable. It is another word for feminine things that aren't cute at all! So that name got scratched. Next option was Tillivated, a word Melisa said her grandma used to use which meant "to get fancy", or something along those lines. We were saying and spelling it wrong the entire time. The correct word is Titivated and we...just..couldn't do it. At one point we threw "Kitties and Titties" in there, but went for a different direction. We all vigorously searched on our techy internet phones for old southern sayings that we found to be very precious, because we are all clearly from the south. That is how we found Ain't That The Berries, which means "that is great"! Done, done, and done.

Yesterday we took new photos which we were all very excited for. They were shot by the sweetest and ever so lovely Mindi Harkless. Check out her stuff, she is really amazing! And we wouldn't have our site at all without the help of this lady right here! Her web designs are fantastic and she is willing to help with any issues after you buy the layout. Being four web page design illiterate girls, she might become our new best friend.

Check out all of our photos from yesterday and stay tuned to read about all kinds of fun things!

Ain't That The Berries Gals--
Melisa, Sarah, Andrea, and Danielle


  1. This is fantastic. Great work girls! Can't wait to read more crafty goodness.

  2. this is so cool!! very excited for you all.

  3. Nice work girls. It looks great. I'm jealous.

  4. the pictures look awesome! great job ladies!

  5. I love these photos. The essence of friendship.

  6. Aww, thanks so much! Thanks for reading!! -melisa
