Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How I Wore It Then vs. Now: Denim Button Up

Denim button up's (or down's) have been rather stationary in the ever changing world of trends. They are great for casual wear to work wear. I found an old picture of me wearing one and thought I would do a comparison. The year was 1999, I graduated elementary school, and I was awkward and lanky.

I seemed to have left out that back then I was all about the cut off jam. I had many tops of this style. I had this beauty, a green plaid, and a red one that had a bandana design all over it. Pretty awesome, trendsetting. I have no justification for the shorts whatsoever. We are friends here, we can address the hair cut. Cowlick--check! My sister had short hair (which looked cute), and I wanted to do what she did which explains the choice. If you guessed that it resembled Jonathan Taylor Thomas, then you would be freaking correct. It's not news to me due to the fact that that was my nickname via my brother and his evil friend until it grew out.

Lets bust into 2011 shall we? I have yet again found myself in possession of a denim button up blouse. This time everything is right about it, and I am including my hair. I like the vintage-y look of the wash and the way it already feels broken in. It is a nice companion for the bold pants.
Blouse: Target
Rust Pants: TJ Maxx
Boots: Macys

The nice thing about a simple blouse is versatility. I added a faux leather/fur trimmed vest to give it a little more style, and just enough warmth for the Fall days we are currently experiencing.
Vest: Gift

Adding accessories will let you make an entire outfit your own. My favorite piece, as of late, is my initial necklace that I wear almost everyday. Slip on a bracelet or two and you are ready to go!

Necklace: Target
Bracelet: A stand by the river in Savannah, GA

I have just become tremendously mortified realizing I am putting that hair on the internet. At least I learned my mistakes right? As my non-existent Jewish grandma would say, "Oy vey."
Thank you Mindi for help with the pictures! <3


  1. I love it! And I love you haircut... for obvious reasons :) I will have to search through photos the next time I'm home and find you one of me at this age. I had the same haircut! It was called "The Chop" and I saw it in a magazine. I also had a fondness for a blue Nike track suite at the time. I looked like a boy.

  2. I can completely relate to your JTT phase. One time, not long after my husband and I had been married, he came across a photo of an 11 year old me, and stated in horror, 'OMG, you looked just like that kid from Hansen!' The sad part is, once he said it, I totally saw it too! You can only imagine the 'mmmm,bop' jokes that i've endured the last nine years, and anytime we are talking about those pre-teen years, he'll say 'oh well, that was during your Hansen' phase. Nice.
    Love your outfit, and now your hair is rockin! :)
