Friday, May 31, 2013

Father's Day Sale!

"I Love Dad" onesies or tees are 15% off if you use
the coupon code "DAD2013"...
Orders must be in by Sunday June 2nd to be made and
shipped in time for Father's Day (U.S. shipping guarantee only)!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Etsy Finds - Arrested Development Edition

Tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for...
"Arrested Development" (AKA: funniest TV show ever) is back!
To celebrate, I wanted to share some of my favorite
"Arrested Development" items found on Etsy.
I can't have a pop culture list without featuring a "luckyjackson" piece.
There are like a million of her pieces I feel like I need!
Being that "Buster" is my favorite character, I would
be proud to wear these tees...
This one is from "LookHUMAN".
Umm, a Buster kitchen towel... YES.
Get it from "4thirteenpicks".
Bluth family nesting dolls...nuff said.
Made to order by "tatianaveneruso".
These amazing pencils can be found at "littlepancakes" shop.
I think there are actually 2 different quote sets to collect!
This little shop "Arthursplaidpants" has a few different
Arrested Development button/magnet sets, so go get
your favorite character's set!
And for all you "Tobias" fans...
Get this never-nude stitchery from "HappyHoopla".
Words can't express how amazing I think this mug is from "abirdinthehand".
I love this Bluth Album print by "joebot"!
I bet you didn't know an "Arrested Development" paper doll set existed.
Take a minute to visit the "heartlessuniverse" shop because
you really need to see the details in this set!
There were lots more great "Arrested Development" merchandise
on Etsy, but I had to narrow it down.
I dare you to go to Etsy and search for "Arrested Development"
and NOT buy anything!
Myself and some friends will start our season 4 marathon
tomorrow morning at 10am.
Do you have any plans for this big event?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Yummy Baked Sandwich Recipe.

You know if I post a recipe it is ridiculously easy.
I  don't really enjoy cooking, but thanks to Pinterest I can
finally find super easy things that even I can't screw up!
Today I want to share one of my favorite simple meals...
A Yummy Baked Sandwich.
What you need:
-2 Containers of Crescent Rolls (8oz)
-4 Eggs
-1/2 Lbs. Sliced Turkey
-1/2 Lbs. Sliced Ham
-1/2 Lb. Salami
-1/2 Lbs. Sliced Swiss Cheese
What To Do:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Roll out crescent roll and mold/press into a rectangle.
*Rolling on wax paper makes it way easier!
(You will have a couple extra triangles you can put aside.)
Do this with both crescent roll containers, so you have
a sandwich top and bottom.
Transfer one of the crescent roll rectangles into a baking pan
to make the bottom of the sandwich.
Layer 1/2 of your meats.
I usually do this order:
Beat the 4 eggs in a small bowl.
Spread 1/2 of your beaten eggs over your first layer of sandwich.
Now you can go ahead and layer the rest of your meats/cheese.
Put the 2nd crescent roll piece as the top of your sandwich.
Spread the rest of your beaten eggs over the top of your sandwich.
Put foil over and bake for 20 minutes.
Then remove foil and bake for another 20 minutes
(or until egg is cooked and sandwich is browned).
I usually roll up any extra meats and cheese in the extra
crescent roll triangles and throw them in the oven too
(only bake them  for like 10 minutes or until browned).
We like eating this with BBQ sauce, but I have been thinking
of other sauces/dressings that would be good with this too.
The original recipe was found on Pinterest from this page.
I made some adjustments.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Henry Style - Baby Boy Fashion Favorites

Finding cute baby clothes for boys can be tricky.
It seems like it's always easy to find fun dresses and outfits
for girls, but all the baby boy clothes are mostly sports themed or have
cheesy sayings on them. It's not the style I had in mind for Henry,
so I have had to do some searching to find items that are a
little more unique...
I wanted to share some of my favorite items/shops with
my friends who have little guys to shop for.
Since Henry is only about to hit the 3 month mark,
I have mainly dressed him in things that are comfortable.
I typically have him in a basic onesie, cotton stretch pants
(leggings), a cardigan, and moccasins.
The pants pictured are one of my favorite gifts from
the stylish sisters Christen and Kylie (purchased in New Zealand).
Here are some similar striped pants from Baby Gap...
Here are some adorable leggings found on Pinterest I would
love to see Henry in.
Purchase them here.
For basics, like comfy onesies, cardigans, and hoodies (pictured below),
I have loved American Apparel.
I am loving this cardigan from Zara...
The very first things I purchased when I found out I
was pregnant, were these moccasins...
They are handmade and can be found in various colors here.
(*You may want to check back for a chance to win a free pair in the near future*)
When he isn't wearing his moccasins, we keep his little feet
warm with fun socks!
I found these colorful ones on Amazon...
And finally, Henry is always really excited to wear
onesies made by his very own mama...
That is what I get for shamelessly plugging my Etsy shop!
Where are your favorite places to shop for little boys?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sherri DuPree Bemis In The House

Sherri, of the band Eisley was kind enough to take time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for us and you readers! We are so excited to share it with you!

ATTB: What do you consider your personal style to be?

 If I had to sum it up it would be - Girlie but rough around the edges, fun and quirky but not fussy! 

ATTB: What is one clothing item you can't live without.

SDB: Do shoes count? (ed note: yes, aboslutely yes) Low top Chuck Taylors! I've worn them almost every day of my life since I was 15.

ATTB: Favorite celebrity style icon

SDB: I know it's a cliche answer, but you have to admit Twiggy was super cool! All those fun dresses and knee socks and of course…that eyeliner. There aren't any modern-day celebrities I look to currently for style inspiration, but I'm sort of out of the loop with the fashion world since becoming a mom! I just put on what makes me happy every day and it's a tried/true method for me.

Even pregnant Sherri dresses the cutest!

ATTB: When did you start getting into music? What about your art?

SDB: I got into music first…My sisters and I started writing songs when I was about 13, and it came very naturally because we loved it so much. I just instantly loved the process of songwriting! I didn't really start developing my art/illustration style until I was about 16…I had loved drawing since I was little (my Dad is a graphic designer so I suppose it's in my blood) but had never wanted to do any sort of art/illustration unless I could really make something that was my own (same with music), so I just started making up my own creatures and it's evolving constantly! I'm still learning something new every time I sit down to draw. 

ATTB: Who are your biggest influences with your music/art?

SDB: Definitely my most solid musical influences have been The Beatles. They just had the best melodies and harmonies! And after I started drawing I found some artists who've really inspired my style as well…Aubrey Beardsley and Harry Clarke were incredible. 

ATTB: Who are your top 3 favorite bands/artists of all time?

SDB: Sunny Day Real Estate, Say Anything (psst: her hubbies band if you didn't know!), The Beatles. As far as artists go, I'm super in love with Camille Rose Garcia, Brandi Milne and Logan Faerber

ATTB: Have you ever been starstruck?

SDB: I've never felt truly "star struck" that I can remember of but I did recently get to meet one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman! That was so cool. I've been a big fan forever and  through twitter I was able to get him our music and he's now an Eisley fan! So we'd been talking back and fourth since The Valley was released (2012). My husband and I were in LA spending time with his family and Neil was there doing a Q&A at Cape Film Fest after a showing of Coraline (which happens to be one of my favorite books and films). It's always so fun meeting someone who inspires you so much on a creative level!

Sherri, Neil, and Max
ATTB: What do you think you would be doing if you were not doing the music thing?

SDB: Definitely art. My illustrations are my biggest creative love after music. It gives me so much joy.  (

ATTB: Your brand new bundle, Lucy, is AMAZING! What are you favorite things about being a mom? 

SDB: Being a mom is literally the best thing I think I will ever experience on this earth! I know becoming a parent is not for everyone
so I don't judge people who chose not to have children, but for me, it's been a dream of mine ever since I was a child myself. That may sound weird, but it's the truth! I just knew, from a very young age, that I wanted to be a mom and now that it's finally come to fruition- It has NOT disappointed!
It's been so much more incredible than even dreamed. She has tackled a part of my heart that I didn't even know existed, and turned me completely inside out and upside down in the best way imaginable! It's just insane how much you discover about yourself and about love when they're born.

When my husband and I became pregnant, people (parents) would always tell us "Oh gosh, enjoy the last months of your life!", "You have no idea what you're in for, you'll never sleep again.", "You think you know, but you have NO idea how much work it is".
Which…in all reality, those things may have an aspect of truth but It really upset me how so many people were putting a negative spin on becoming a parent…When in reality, it's had 0% negative effect on our life and only 100% positive. 

So you get a little less sleep for a few years? You get the hugest most insane creature of joy and love you'll ever experience in your life out of it!
It takes a lot of patience, a lot of learning selflessness and a big dose of constantly flexing your sense of humor…but it's the ultimate experience.

Baby photos were unavoidable

ATTB: Thanks again for taking the time to do this!

SDB: Thank you guys so so much! 

We would like to thank Sherri again for doing this and say congratulations on the upcoming touralbum and your new found mommy-hood  We wish you, Max, and little Lucy the absolute best. Every one be sure to browse all of the attached links for art, music and fun!

-Andrea, Melisa, Danielle, and Sarah

*all photo courtesy of Sherri's Flickr page.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Recipe... Avocado Muffins.

Some friends and I had a mini dinner party the other night and I was left with a nice handful of ripe avocados! They just so happen to be one of my favorite foods, so I was not at all mad about it. I had never baked with them before but i figured it would be a good way to use them up before they went bad. So I made these sweet little muffins.

2 cups of flour
1cup of sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup of butter or shortening
1 tablespoon of lime juice
1 1/2 cup of mashed avocado
1 teaspoon of vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 15-20 min.

Mix together all dry ingredients first and then beat sugar & eggs until fluffy. Add in avocado, lime, butter, & vanilla. Add wet mixture to the dry and mix together. Spoon mixture into prepared muffin wrappers and bake!

They were quite delicious.


Friday, May 10, 2013

DIY Grocery Bag.

Recently Jake and I upgraded from a twin bed (all the better for cuddles) to a full, so now I have been left with a pile of sheets that I can not longer use. I decided to do a little repurposing and make some cloth bags to use for the grocery store. Very simple!

2 pieces of fabric 20x15 inches
2 pieces of fabric 29x4 inches
iron & ironing board
sewing machine

Once you have cut an ironed out your 20x15 inch fabric pieces, hem & pin 1" at the top (15in. side). Sew down the folded edge of both pieces.

Next, take the two 4x29 inch pieces of fabric and fold them lengthwise with the good side facing  inwards & iron the along the crease. 

After you have sewn the straps from end to end, trim the edge and turn right side out and iron.
Pin the straps onto the panels (approximately 3 inch down) and sew them on by using a box or an x stitch.
Once your strap are completed, pin the edges of the panels together (good side facing inwards) and stitch all around. Turn right side out and you're done!

Happy grocery shopping!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Derek and Lindsey!

I just wanted to say a quick congratulations to our dear old friend, Derek, and his lovely bride, Lindsey, who got married this past Saturday! The wedding was lovely.

Have fun in New York you guys!
Love ya.

p.s you can see more of these cuties on their wedding day here: wedding page.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Andrew & Lexi.

A couple weeks ago my darling friend, Rachel, and I had the honor of photographing Andrew and Lexi's wedding. Photographing weddings with Rachel gives me the freedom to focus more on film while she shoots digital and that makes weddings much more enjoyable for me! Here are a few of my favorite shots:

They are such a sweet couple!
Beautiful wedding and beautiful people.

You can see more of my wedding work here.. <3
